日本財団 図書館


(Application for Permission for Aerodrome Establishment)
Article 76. Any person who intends to obtain permission for the establishment of an aerodrome under Article 38 paragraph 2 of the Law shall submit the Application for Permission to Establish an Aerodrome, in triplicate, to the Minister of Transport describing the following items:
(1)Objective of establishment (specifying whether or not it is open for public use);
(2)Name and address of the applicant;
(3)Name of the aerodrome, geographical location and reference points of the aerodrome (also giving aerodrome elevation; the same shall apply hereinafler when specifying location and/or reference points.);
(4)Proposed site on land or water for a new aerodrome, and name and address of the current owner of the proposed site;
(5)Aerodrome type, landing area category; and runway pavement strength, or depth water of the landing area at an aquatic aerodrome;
(6)In the case of either an instrument approach-type aerodrome or for an aerodrome available for night-time use, state that such is the case;
(7)Types of and models of proposed aircraft which will utilize the aerodrome;
(7-2)Length of approach area, slope of approach surface, radius of horizontal surface and slope of transitional surface for which designation is sought from the Minister of Transport;
(8)Outline of aerodrome facilities
(9)Outline of proposed air navigation facilities;
(10)Estimated cost for establishment of aerodrome;
(11)Scheduled date of commencement and completion of construction work;
(12)Plan of administrative system (detailing administration-related expenses);
(13)In the case of any objects protruding above the approach surface, transitional surface or horizontal surface, or any objects standing very close to those surfaces of the proposed aerodrome, the following details are to be given:
a)Geographical location and description of said objects;
b)The protruding height of the objects above the approach surface, transitional surface or horizontal surface and the proximity of the objects to those surfaces;
c)Name and address of the person who owns the objects in question or of the person wh has the title thereof;
d)A statement of whether the objects are to be removed or not;
e)Estimated cost of removing the objects concerned;
f)Proposed date for commencement of the work of removing the objects concerned and for the completion of said work.





